International due diligence searches have become commonplace in international transactions as it helps attorneys, buyers, sellers and investors get a full picture of an entity or an individual.
When you need a thorough search of an entity or individual from an international jurisdiction, we are able to offer quick and in-depth search reports to facilitate your request.
The most commonly requested Due Diligence services that IBCF offers around the world:
- Corporate summary reports/ Registry searches
- Lien searches
- UCC searches and filings
- Bankruptcy searches
- Litigation and Judgment searches
- Tax Lien searches
- Property searches
- Credit Reports
- Searches on Individuals
- Corporate Document Retrieval (e.g. Good Standings, Certified Copies etc.)
- Civil Document Retrieval (e.g. Birth Certificates, Death Certificates etc.)
- Apostilles and Legalizations
With regards to due diligence searches, please be advised that each country refers to its own legal terminology. What is called a Certificate of Good Standing in one jurisdiction could be called an Extract or a Certificate of Existence in another. Or the jurisdiction may not offer an equivalent! It is thus essential to provide as much detail as possible on the specific purpose of each request. To address specific needs by jurisdiction, please contact us.
Due Diligence results will vary by jurisdiction as each country has its own governing rules and regulations. While some countries have centralized recording systems, other countries’ recording mechanisms can vary depending on collateral classes, court systems and registries.
Do you have questions about an international due diligence search? Please contact us and our experienced specialists can speak with you further.